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兰瑟彩妆号称彩妆界的技术九州体育官网入口:   A technology pioneer in cosmetic industry    兰瑟 —— 彩妆界的技术九州体育官网入口   Development route combining color, optics and skin care.   In the huge sea of professional brands in the world, only a few of them can bring extraordinary energy to women with exquisite technologies and perfect aesthetic colors. Lansur is one of them.    不断融合色彩、光学、皮肤护理的发展路线 在全球众多的专业品牌中,只有极少数以其精湛的技术及完善的色彩美学赋予女性卓越不凡的活力,兰瑟便是其中的佼佼者 Lansur魔镜幻彩眼影 IN 1930,   Lansur was born in Firenze , Italy , the cradle of Europe Renaissance. It is established by Ms Betty.Phryne, a dresser who grew up in a painting family.   Ms Betty.Phryne knew Italian paintings very well and understood that the actual effect of cosmetics relies on interaction of colors and lights. Therefore, during development of cosmetics technology, she paid a lot of attention into the color effect after use and spared great efforts on interaction of colors and lights. Extraordinary technology, as well as effective advertisements, made Lansur popular in Milan and Rome rapidly, besides Firenze .

兰瑟彩妆号称彩妆界的技术九州体育官网入口:   A technology pioneer in cosmetic industry

兰瑟 —— 彩妆界的技术九州体育官网入口   Development route combining color, optics and skin care.   In the huge sea of professional brands in the world, only a few of them can bring extraordinary energy to women with exquisite technologies and perfect aesthetic colors. Lansur is one of them.

不断融合色彩、光学、皮肤护理的发展路线 在全球众多的专业品牌中,只有极少数以其精湛的技术及完善的色彩美学赋予女性卓越不凡的活力,兰瑟便是其中的佼佼者  Lansur魔镜幻彩眼影 IN 1930,   Lansur was born in Firenze , Italy , the cradle of Europe Renaissance. It is established by Ms Betty.Phryne, a dresser who grew up in a painting family.   Ms Betty.Phryne knew Italian paintings very well and understood that the actual effect of cosmetics relies on interaction of colors and lights. Therefore, during development of cosmetics technology, she paid a lot of attention into the color effect after use and spared great efforts on interaction of colors and lights. Extraordinary technology, as well as effective advertisements, made Lansur popular in Milan and Rome rapidly, besides Firenze .







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